[sup] VALS Semester of Code - project use-mail
Martin Bähr
2015-01-12 16:08:23 UTC

I am still busy sorting through the student submissions from google code-in,
but i am already busy with the next project:

FOSSASIA has been accepted as a mentor organisation for VALS Semester of Code.

You can read more about this program at http://semesterofcode.com/ and

For sup i am proposing only one project, namely to complete transition from rmail to mail:

I believe in three months a student should be able to bring the use-mail branch
into a state that it is worthy for a release.

I'd like to invite the sup developer team to join me as mentors for this
project, and also offer you to mentor other sup related projects.

Registration for mentors is by invitation, so if you are able to mentor projects
please send me an email with details about projects you would like to mentor.

We only have a short time to register mentors and list projects, so please
reply as soon as you can.

The name of the project
Describe the project
At a minimum, please include the expected outcome of the project, a potential mentor, the skills and/or languages required to complete the project, and a general "difficulty" level. The project should take about 3 months to complete. Please bear in mind that it's better to start with a smaller project that can be extended if your student proves to be capable rather than have an over-ambitious idea which can't be completed in time.
The url of this project
This could be for example a link to a bug tracker issue or google doc that describes the project idea.
Some tags to facilitate searching (Delimited by comma i.e. php, javascript, html)

greetings, martin.
eKita - the online platform for your entire academic life
eKita - the online platform for your entire academic life
chief engineer eKita.co
pike programmer pike.lysator.liu.se caudium.net societyserver.org
secretary beijinglug.org
mentor fossasia.org
foresight developer foresightlinux.org realss.com
unix sysadmin
Martin Bähr working in china http://societyserver.org/mbaehr/
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Gaute Hope
2015-01-12 16:42:38 UTC
Post by Martin Bähr
I am still busy sorting through the student submissions from google
FOSSASIA has been accepted as a mentor organisation for VALS Semester of Code.
You can read more about this program at http://semesterofcode.com/ and
I believe in three months a student should be able to bring the
use-mail branch into a state that it is worthy for a release.
I'd like to invite the sup developer team to join me as mentors for
this project, and also offer you to mentor other sup related projects.
Registration for mentors is by invitation, so if you are able to
mentor projects please send me an email with details about projects
you would like to mentor.
We only have a short time to register mentors and list projects, so
please reply as soon as you can.
The name of the project Describe the project At a minimum, please
include the expected outcome of the project, a potential mentor, the
skills and/or languages required to complete the project, and a
general "difficulty" level. The project should take about 3 months to
complete. Please bear in mind that it's better to start with a smaller
project that can be extended if your student proves to be capable
rather than have an over-ambitious idea which can't be completed in
time. The url of this project This could be for example a link to a
bug tracker issue or google doc that describes the project idea. Some
tags to facilitate searching (Delimited by comma i.e. php, javascript,
greetings, martin.
Great initiative Martin! With migration to the Mail gem Sup would be a
long step nearer getting rid of deprecated dependencies.

( However, I do unfortunately not have the time to be a mentor at this
time, but I hope some of you have the chance. )

Greetings, Gaute
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To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/supmua/1421080728-astroid-0-ovbn4b51oc-1640%40strange.
For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout.
Martin Bähr
2015-01-12 16:58:08 UTC
Post by Gaute Hope
Post by Martin Bähr
For sup i am proposing only one project, namely to complete transition
I believe in three months a student should be able to bring the
use-mail branch into a state that it is worthy for a release.
Great initiative Martin! With migration to the Mail gem Sup would be a
long step nearer getting rid of deprecated dependencies.
are there others?
tell me which so i can add them as optional tasks if the use-mail port
progresses faster than expected.
Post by Gaute Hope
( However, I do unfortunately not have the time to be a mentor at this
time, but I hope some of you have the chance. )
that's fine, though i believe this won't as involved as google code-in where a
student is trying to solve as many tasks as he can in a short time, but just a
single task worked on over a 3 month period, so i expect the need for help to
be much less. anyways, if the project is accepted i'll encourage the student to
ask questions on the list or on github so anyone can join in any time.

listing additional mentors i expect mostly to give the impression of better
support that may make the project more attractive.

greetings, martin.
eKita - the online platform for your entire academic life
chief engineer eKita.co
pike programmer pike.lysator.liu.se caudium.net societyserver.org
secretary beijinglug.org
mentor fossasia.org
foresight developer foresightlinux.org realss.com
unix sysadmin
Martin Bähr working in china http://societyserver.org/mbaehr/
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To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/supmua/1421081351-sup-5093%40email.archlab.tuwien.ac.at.
For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout.
Gaute Hope
2015-01-12 19:27:59 UTC
Post by Martin Bähr
Post by Gaute Hope
Post by Martin Bähr
For sup i am proposing only one project, namely to complete transition
I believe in three months a student should be able to bring the
use-mail branch into a state that it is worthy for a release.
Great initiative Martin! With migration to the Mail gem Sup would be a
long step nearer getting rid of deprecated dependencies.
are there others?
tell me which so i can add them as optional tasks if the use-mail port
progresses faster than expected.
Post by Gaute Hope
( However, I do unfortunately not have the time to be a mentor at this
time, but I hope some of you have the chance. )
that's fine, though i believe this won't as involved as google code-in where a
student is trying to solve as many tasks as he can in a short time, but just a
single task worked on over a 3 month period, so i expect the need for help to
be much less. anyways, if the project is accepted i'll encourage the student to
ask questions on the list or on github so anyone can join in any time.
listing additional mentors i expect mostly to give the impression of better
support that may make the project more attractive.
Yep, I'd be happy to help / comment on the list as time allows.

- gaute
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Per Andersson
2015-01-13 13:59:52 UTC
Post by Gaute Hope
Post by Martin Bähr
I am still busy sorting through the student submissions from google
FOSSASIA has been accepted as a mentor organisation for VALS Semester of Code.
You can read more about this program at http://semesterofcode.com/ and
For sup i am proposing only one project, namely to complete transition
I believe in three months a student should be able to bring the
use-mail branch into a state that it is worthy for a release.
I'd like to invite the sup developer team to join me as mentors for
this project, and also offer you to mentor other sup related projects.
Registration for mentors is by invitation, so if you are able to
mentor projects please send me an email with details about projects
you would like to mentor.
We only have a short time to register mentors and list projects, so
please reply as soon as you can.
The name of the project Describe the project At a minimum, please
include the expected outcome of the project, a potential mentor, the
skills and/or languages required to complete the project, and a
general "difficulty" level. The project should take about 3 months to
complete. Please bear in mind that it's better to start with a smaller
project that can be extended if your student proves to be capable
rather than have an over-ambitious idea which can't be completed in
time. The url of this project This could be for example a link to a
bug tracker issue or google doc that describes the project idea. Some
tags to facilitate searching (Delimited by comma i.e. php, javascript,
greetings, martin.
Great initiative Martin! With migration to the Mail gem Sup would be a
long step nearer getting rid of deprecated dependencies.
( However, I do unfortunately not have the time to be a mentor at this
time, but I hope some of you have the chance. )
I can help co-mentor this. But I would need someone more
knowledgeable about Sup and Ruby. Also, I'm pressed for time. :-)

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To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/supmua/CABYrXSR-hHbXXWHNkG4nST2ibbsV5Q7mC%2B%3Dvk3RBi1-rN5gUZg%40mail.gmail.com.
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