[sup] release 0.21.0
Gaute Hope
2015-02-12 19:03:28 UTC

I have released a new sup:

Release 0.21.0:

Several small features as well as polishing (including fetching a GPG key with
a shortcut and unsubscribing from mailinglist using an url). Several old
deprecated parts of sup have been modernized. Support for Ruby 1.9.3 has been
dropped. Have a look in History.txt for the details.

get it at rubygems:

$ gem install sup

thanks to all contributors !

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Matthieu Rakotojaona
2015-02-13 19:25:13 UTC
Post by Gaute Hope
Several small features as well as polishing (including fetching a GPG key with
a shortcut and unsubscribing from mailinglist using an url). Several old
deprecated parts of sup have been modernized. Support for Ruby 1.9.3 has been
dropped. Have a look in History.txt for the details.
$ gem install sup
thanks to all contributors !
Thank you everyone for your contributions !
Matthieu Rakotojaona
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